
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Adventures in Shopping with Baby

Reese, playing with purses and modeling a new spring dress

I love to shop. It just puts me in a happy place. I feel like I'm really starting to enjoy that happy place again since before my pregnancy. It's just not the same when you're shopping for your pregnant body (or post-pregnant body for that matter).

Anyways, shopping for me is fun again. Of course when I venture out with Reese, it's not quite as leisurely as it used to be. Even when she was a tiny baby I could still browse at my own pace. Now it's more of a grab and try on over what I'm wearing or not at all. We work with what we have, right?

Reese and I went out the other day and had quite the successful trip. We managed to get a cute pair skinny jeans for me, 2 shirts for the hubby and lots of cute spring finds for her.

In order to get this done, it's key to stock the diaper bag with plenty of snacks to keep her occupied. Is it bad that I'm just shoving food at my baby so I can shop? A little mommy guilt here. At least I try and plan it around snack time.

We got all of that in about 30 minutes! I think I'm finally getting the hang of this shopping with baby.

Now, if only I could get the hubs on board. Fat chance.


  1. Haha, yeah, you are right. Fat chance. We were just talking about this last night. Anytime we try to do any shopping with the hubs, he gets the heavy sighs. Ahhhhhhhhh, huuuuuuuuuuh. Then I know it is time to go! Haha. Too funny. And your little one is deffo a model in the making!!

  2. LOVE Reese's new dress! Paige also gets lots of snacks when we shop and lots of TV time on my phone. I'm not sure sometimes how I would get anything done without it!

  3. Hey girl! Thanks for linking up to the Storytellers Blog Hop. I hope ya'll had a great weekend and you found some fun new reads. :)

  4. It's so much easier to go solo but sometimes I want a second opinion and over here it usually falls to the hubs, ha! Even though I swear half the time he doesn't even look!

    Honestly Jess, who knows how moms did it without snacks and tv! Kidding...sort of.
