
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Scott's first post!

Hey everyone,

Thought it was about time for a quick blog from Daddy!! I am so excited and a little bit nervous about the upcoming birth of our little girl, _____ Elizabeth Matzka, and as you'll see in the pics we've done a great job of concealing the identity of her first name (and initial!!) I am now on high alert when I leave the house, checking the phone constantly, especially when we play on the road. I have a game tonight about 3 hours away, so we've been talking to beaner telling her it's okay to stay in mommy's belly at least another 24 hours. I've arranged for a car to follow the bus to the game tonight in case i have to get home quickly. Anyway, gotta wrap this up as my pregame skate starts in a little bit. Catie is 39 weeks pregnant today and as you'll see in the belly pics, she's showing every week of that. Can't wait to update you all with the good news of baby Matzka's arrival.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to find out the name and see this little girl! I actually called Drew into the room to guess the initial. Is it an "a" or "i"?! Guess we'll find out soon enough!
