
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We celebrated Halloween a bit early this year since Scott is on the road today and tomorrow. Wednesday we had a few friends over for a little party...our first with Reese! She dressed up as a cute little dalmation while we all enjoyed some great food and fun. The night before the party, Scott and I carved pumpkins and roasted the seeds. Reese wasn't exactly in the mood for carving as you'll see in the picture.

At her last check-up, she weighed 9lbs. 1oz. so we know she's eating enough! She is more and more alert each day which has been fun and trying at the same time. She's noticing her surroundings more and not liking sleep as much. We're hoping she gets back on track with her sleep soon. Scott is on the road today and tomorrow so it will be my first night solo. I'm really keeping my fingers crossed she gives me at least a little sleep!

Here are a few pictures from our party and some random ones from over the last week or so.

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