
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Like Mother, Like Daughter?

When it comes to a few of our latest spring fashion buys, definitely! It’s so much fun to shop for a little one. Especially when I still get to pick out what she wears. My favorite things for her are ones I’d wear myself. But seriously, how cute are these finds in the mini version?!

Mealtime Favorites

During the hockey season, pasta is a mainstay of our diet. With all that pasta, it’s nice to throw in some lighter meals here and there too. Here is one of our favorite salad recipes. It’s a modified version of the Cosi signature salad and a recipe I got from one of the girls a couple years ago (thanks K!). We usually make our homemade foccacia (another great one from one of the wives a few years back) to go along with it. Delicious!

Recipes can be found here.

Since I’m posting about food today, thought I’d share a video of Reese doing a little cooking too. She loves to make food and feed it to all of her buddies.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Date night is more than just a date

I’ve realized that life with little ones changes things. A lot. Not a shocking revelation, I know. It’s so easy to get caught up in the busy schedules and routines of kids. Not leaving too much extra time for much else. So date nights are important. Even more important than they were pre-kids. I really believe they help keep our marriage strong because it forces us to set aside time to get out and enjoy ourselves.

Even if it’s hard to make that time… Even if the food at dinner wasn’t worth the money… Even if the movie was terrible… Even if it costs more money to get a sitter… And creates more stress to get things in order for watching the little one… It’s all worth it. It’s more than just a date. It’s about getting out with the hubby and spending some quality time together. The value of that will always be greater than the cost.

We had the team’s year-end banquet this week. It was a perfect excuse to get out for a date night. Luckily for us, it was my Dad’s last night in town so naturally we put him to work watching Reese. Dinner, drinks and dancing made for a great night out with friends!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Spring Lust List

The weather here has been warm and sunny this week without a chill in the air. It’s making me lust after Spring even more. So in the spirit of Spring, here are a few things I'm lusting after right now.

Love the bright blue color of this Topshop top

Park Bench Fedora from Madewell- a perfect spring accessory

LOVE these wedges from Topshop

Cute maxi dress from Anthropologie

Okay, so this one could be for any season, but how good do these look?! I've seen them all over lately and I'm dying to get my hands on some!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Adventures in Shopping with Baby

Reese, playing with purses and modeling a new spring dress

I love to shop. It just puts me in a happy place. I feel like I'm really starting to enjoy that happy place again since before my pregnancy. It's just not the same when you're shopping for your pregnant body (or post-pregnant body for that matter).

Anyways, shopping for me is fun again. Of course when I venture out with Reese, it's not quite as leisurely as it used to be. Even when she was a tiny baby I could still browse at my own pace. Now it's more of a grab and try on over what I'm wearing or not at all. We work with what we have, right?

Reese and I went out the other day and had quite the successful trip. We managed to get a cute pair skinny jeans for me, 2 shirts for the hubby and lots of cute spring finds for her.

In order to get this done, it's key to stock the diaper bag with plenty of snacks to keep her occupied. Is it bad that I'm just shoving food at my baby so I can shop? A little mommy guilt here. At least I try and plan it around snack time.

We got all of that in about 30 minutes! I think I'm finally getting the hang of this shopping with baby.

Now, if only I could get the hubs on board. Fat chance.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Things I Don't Understand

Although there are plenty of reason why I love Europe and all the things that come along with living here, there are still some things I just don’t understand.

Why the dual water faucets, it just doesn't make sense. Believe me, I've racked my brain trying to come up with the answer to this one. If you ever need only hot water, just turn the faucet to hot, duh. On the other hand, there are plenty of times we need warm water. How do you achieve warm with two separate faucets?! Makes for fun times trying to wash your face.

Moving on to the washer/dryer combo. Not the space-saving dual unit washer/dryer combo. Oh no, I'm talking the all-in-one washer and dryer. I have yet to find a setting that actually cleans and dries the clothes in under 5 hours, still not really drying them. And we're talking small loads here people. With no language barrier to throw me off looking it up in the manual, I still can’t figure it out! Do you know how much laundry a toddler adds?!

Lastly but certainly not least, is the lack of outlets actually in the bathroom. Almost every apartment we’ve been in Europe doesn’t have outlets in the bathroom. Why, you ask? Good question. You’ve got me. My only answer is a trip to Ikea for a mirror to put up in some random spot above outlets. Not really the best 'look' for the place but a girl’s got to do her hair!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Chasing Pavements

I heart Adele.

“Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements, even if it leads nowhere”

I also heart running. I love what a good run can do for your mood. Even if I’m dreading it before hitting the pavement, I always feel good afterwards. For me, it’s a nice escape and one that doesn’t involve constantly thinking about what the girl could be getting into. Or how much laundry needs to be done. Or how badly the bathrooms need cleaning. The list could go on and on.

Although training for the half marathon I did last week was fun (mainly because I did it with a friend, thanks H), I still prefer runs with no pressure. Of course it’s a sense of accomplishment when you shave minutes off your previous time. And it satisfies your competitive side for sure. It’s just hard to enjoy those kinds of runs for too long. I don’t want to start hating running because it’s so many things for me. It’s an escape that makes me a better person. A better mommy. A better wife.

So even if it leads nowhere, I’ll still keep chasing pavements.

On a separate note, I still can't figure out why I can't comment (on my blog or others). We have family here now but when I have more time to sit down and look at things, hopefully I'll figure it out. Thanks for the support- things are coming along, maybe slowly, but at least they're moving!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

New Project

My list of daily read blogs is growing by the day. It's one of my favorite things to do once I get the girl in bed and have some me time. Scott loves to tease me
about it but there really are so many great reads out there.

Many I've found through the 'hockey life' network and others just randomly. I can relate to so much of what others are writing about and it's given me comfort and a sense of understanding when I've been stressed or down. Sometimes that's exactly what I need especially since my family and friends are so far away. It's hard to just pick up the phone to chat or vent or catch up.

Which brings me to my new project, well not exactly new but hopefully improved. I've been inspired to blog. Not just about our bean (although there will still be plenty about her) but really have this as an outlet for me to share what's on my mind. From food to fashion and everything in between.

I haven't decided whether I will redesign our current blog or just start fresh but I wanted to get it out there. New look, new name, new posts.

In any case, it's going to be a slow process and a constant work in progress. I need Scott to help with the technical stuff and as you all know, he's so busy with school and hockey now that it won't happen for at least a couple months.

So, here's to new adventures in the life of a traveling wife... (maybe the new blog name?!). Stay tuned.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Everyday Life

It's hard to believe it's March already. Time sure is flying by this year! Scott only has 7 games left in the regular season. He has been keeping plenty busy, as usual, with school and hockey. Meanwhile, Reese and I are trying to stay equally busy, taking walks, playing 'ball' outside, going for coffee with the girls, etc.

We have lots to look forward to over the next couple of months. My Dad will be here Thursday which will be a nice treat for us all. The weather has been great here in Cardiff so I'm sure many walks to the park and playing outside are in our near future with Grandpa. Scott's last semester of school starts in April and with it brings much more 'free' time. I use that term loosely, as it won't exactly be free time for him but he will definitely be around a lot more! We've also just finalized our reservations for a family vacation to the French Riviera at the end of April. We found a great little apartment right in Nice which will be great for Reese. Can't wait for it!

As for Reese, she is changing more everyday. She loves to talk and practices all the time. Just not normally to anyone. She practices 'reading' books to her buddies, talking into the phone, or talking to her buddies. She is still as feisty as ever. I feel like I write that in every post but it's so true. She can be the sweetest little thing offering up kisses when you least expect them and in the next second will be having a meltdown of epic proportions. I guess she is a girl who knows EXACTLY what she wants. In all seriousness, she is so much fun these days. Watching her learn and grow is so amazing. Here are a few recent pics of our everyday life.