
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Things I Don't Understand

Although there are plenty of reason why I love Europe and all the things that come along with living here, there are still some things I just don’t understand.

Why the dual water faucets, it just doesn't make sense. Believe me, I've racked my brain trying to come up with the answer to this one. If you ever need only hot water, just turn the faucet to hot, duh. On the other hand, there are plenty of times we need warm water. How do you achieve warm with two separate faucets?! Makes for fun times trying to wash your face.

Moving on to the washer/dryer combo. Not the space-saving dual unit washer/dryer combo. Oh no, I'm talking the all-in-one washer and dryer. I have yet to find a setting that actually cleans and dries the clothes in under 5 hours, still not really drying them. And we're talking small loads here people. With no language barrier to throw me off looking it up in the manual, I still can’t figure it out! Do you know how much laundry a toddler adds?!

Lastly but certainly not least, is the lack of outlets actually in the bathroom. Almost every apartment we’ve been in Europe doesn’t have outlets in the bathroom. Why, you ask? Good question. You’ve got me. My only answer is a trip to Ikea for a mirror to put up in some random spot above outlets. Not really the best 'look' for the place but a girl’s got to do her hair!


  1. haha.. I love this & I totally agree.. We have zero, that is right zero outlets in our bathroom!! I have to dry & straighten my hair in the hallway with the dimmest light in the world.

  2. Lol, We have the two faucets back at home too, must be more of a southern thing?? :) And the laundry situation over here is always a time waster. WHY does it have to be that way?? And if that is all you find 'annoying' over in Europe, you are doing pretty darn good :)

  3. Well, it's not exactly all I find annoying, but I didn't want to be too negative ;)

    You really have two separate faucets back home?! Like only hot water comes out of one side and cold the other? I've never seen that before!
