I love Halloween. I mean, it makes total sense since I'm addicted to candy of all kinds. A night dedicated to dressing up and going door to door collecting a huge variety of candy is right up my alley. So, you can understand my disappointment last year when I discovered there were zero trick-or-treater's for Reese's first Halloween. I can finally get back into the game of getting loads of candy under the guise of my baby trick-or-treating only to find out it wasn't happening in Cardiff. What?!
Based on that, I wasn't getting my hopes up this year but was thrilled to hear they do trick-or-treat in our area. So, we quickly found a costume and geared up for the big night. Let's just say Reese was less than impressed. She loved getting treats from the first handful of houses but then got spooked when a little boy handed out candy in his costume and mask. Spooked as in went running into my arms sobbing, saying 'home, home, home!'. So, home we went with a pretty bare bag of treats. Obviously, I wish we lasted a few more houses but it was not to be. On a brighter note, she did make for a pretty cute spider. There's always next year I guess.