It has been a crazy last few weeks for us, filled with lots of packing, traveling and moving. Once the decision to leave Sweden was final, we got down to business going through all of our stuff. We finished sorting, trashing and packing late the night before we were due to leave. Reese must have had an idea of the changes to come as she didn't sleep well that last night in Sweden. That, coupled with the fact that we stayed up until almost 3am packing, didn't allow much sleep for any of us. We had a taxi waiting the following morning to haul all 6 bags and us to the train station heading for Stockholm. As soon as we unloaded at the train station, we found out the train was delayed an hour which would have caused us to miss our flight. So we loaded back up into a taxi and headed for the airport. We realized after checking in, we wouldn't be able to gate check our stroller as we had hoped since it was such a short flight to Finland. We loaded Reese into the carrier and headed for our gate, only to arrive a minute after it closed causing us to miss the flight. We would take the next flight out, a few hours later. Since we had no stroller for Reese to sleep in, we had to make due with what we had as you can see in the pictures. Later that night, we finally made it to Finland to face yet another setback, our luggage did not arrive with us! Luckily, the team had arranged to have a car seat waiting at the airport for us.
Our time in Tampere was short-lived and after hearing the team would not be signing any other players, we packed up again and headed for Joensuu, Finland. We drove 5 hours across Finland to what we hoped would be our final stop for the remainder of the year. We spent a few nights in a hotel while our apartment was being prepared. I am happy to now report, we are finally feeling settled again in our apartment at last. Reese was a real trooper with all of the traveling, adjusting wherever we went. However, all the changes are finally catching up with her as she has not been sleeping well at night. We are hoping this is not a permanent change as she was sleeping through the night when we were in Sweden. Please cross your fingers for us, we all need to get some better sleep!
Scott's new team is now in 2nd place with 5 games remaining in the regular season. Play-offs start early March. We hope to have a better idea of when we will be returning home soon and will keep you all posted.
Here are a few pictures of our latest adventures!