
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Reese in action!!

Here's a compilation of a few videos we've taken over the last couple of months but haven' gotten around to posting. It's crazy how fast time goes by these days....but I guess better late than never. As you will see, Reese is growing and changing so much!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone! We have so much to be thankful for in 2010, obviously with the birth of little Reesey our lives have changed in so many ways since the turn of the last new year. Speaking of the turning of the new year, Catie, Reese and I had a pretty quiet New Year's celebration this year. We made a bunch of appetizers throughout the day, Catie had a couple of glasses of wine, I had a few beers, and we rang in the new year with the smallest bottle of champagne I could find at the System Bolaget (Sweden's answer to Canada's "Beer store"). We woke Reese up just in time for a quick countdown to 2010, toasted our new bundle of joy and quickly got her back to sleep without her missing a beat. I'm not sure she even really woke up!!

On that note, Reese has really turned a corner in the sleeping department over the past couple of weeks. She started by sleeping from 9pm - 7:30am with Catie or me having to go in and calm her once or twice a night, but without having to feed her. She has basically stuck to this new sleep routine for the past 7-8 days and the last 2 nights she has slept through the night without either of us having to go in at all. What a dream!! I had my first uninterrupted night of sleep last night in over 3 months!! I felt amazing this morning. We have tried to keep her on a better, more grown up schedule and really watch her sleep cues during the day and things couldn't be better (outside of one hiccup night where Catie was up with her about 8 times!!!). She has also made progressions on some other new milestones, as she is rolling over from belly to back with ease (whenever she feels like it!!) and starting to roll from her back to her side, guess she'll need some more coaxing to get to her belly. She is becoming more aware of her surroundings everyday. She is laughing and giggling and 'talking' more and more and grasping at her toys on her play mat. She will never be that tiny helpless baby we held a month many mixed emotions!

The weather here in Orebro has been FREEZING cold for the last month or more. It has gotten as low as -30C, which is -22F. Typically during the day it's been somewhere in the -10C to -20C range and there is lots of snow everywhere. It can be beautiful at times, when you forget about the bone chilling cold. We have tried to get Reese out for as many walks as possible, but as you can imagine it's not easy when you freeze after only 5 minutes!! Catie had her out for an hour long walk last week and had Reese bundled in about 3 or 4 blankets! Just another day in the great white north.

The year has absolutely flown by, as Reese just turned 3 months old. In only 2 short months we will be back stateside and many of you will get to meet Reese for the first time in person. We are very excited about our arrival back in Michigan and look forward to seeing all our friends and family once again. Until another blog entry, cheers from Sweden. Scott - Daddy